5 Feet of Fury

David Warren on being called names by total strangers

Among the other things I’ve been called, not only in mail and over the telephone, but on the street, before or after formal introduction, are ‘a right-wing X,’ ‘a right-wing Y,’ ‘a right-wing Z,’ and ‘Jew-lover.’ I proudly admit to this last, but protest that some of the obscenities are, when literally interpreted, inconsistent with some of the other obscenities.

“Sometimes I am even struck by the paradox that if I used such terms on my own adversaries, I’d be up before a couple of human rights tribunals and the Ontario Press Council.

“Indeed, I was up before the latter recently without having employed terms any more controversial than ‘paved’ and ‘Wal-Mart.’ It used to be one could hold all kinds of opinions in newspapers without fear of prosecution, but those were the good old days.

I happen to know why Warren was hauled before the Ontario Press Council, but I don’t think I’m at liberty to tell you. You might not believe me, anyway.

I have David beat at least this week, as Mohammed wrote in to call me, among other things, a “speck of dirt on Hitler’s shoe.” I then explained to him (again) that if one’s daughter is indeed being assaulted at school, the proper, sane course of action is to file charges with the police, not writing hysterical letters to the Prime Minister of Canada, filled with weird ominous stuff about “body bags” and “revenge terrorism.”

Really: If Immigration Canada can’t be bothered teaching newcomers how to conduct themselves in their new country, they could at least cut me a cheque for taking the time to do their job for them…