Funny, I don't remember seeing this website on Bernie Farber's list of "bully bloggers," or on the SPLC's list of "hate sites." I wonder why. (Hint: Doctors.)
- 4H - … [Read more...]
Kathy Shaidle's blog. Est. 2000
Funny, I don't remember seeing this website on Bernie Farber's list of "bully bloggers," or on the SPLC's list of "hate sites." I wonder why. (Hint: Doctors.)
When actual "white supremacists" hate my guts? Of course, asking Warren Kinsella to make sense of his own sputterings is a waste of time. [Read more...]
Andrew McCarthy (read the whole thing): After the Blind Sheikhs and the bin Ladens have softened up the target, it is the Brothers who beguile us. Impeccably well-mannered and wearing neatly tailored suits, they … [Read more...]
This never gets old! UPDATE: Just a reminder that the [Read more...]
UPDATE: Yep, I'm breaking my "No blogging about spree shootings, day-of." Hope I don't regret it. Also, I'm just seeing now that the suspect is African-American, so people will have to rethink the whole "Spree shootings are a white guy crime because they presume advanced planning" … [Read more...]
Writes the once-removed Trudeau spawn: There just aren’t words for this kind of gall. Even by the standards of the cultural … [Read more...]
Without my Left Wing Decoder Ring, I'm at a loss. Kinsella calls someone else a "racist." Must be Tuesday. PS: Let's have fun with the phrase "political … [Read more...]
That's right, everybody! Chris "Affirmative Action in Action" Spence has signed up with Warren Kinsella's company: Spence has hired the … [Read more...]
I dunno -- Lisa Kirbie's boyfriend doesn't sound properly respectful of the differently-gendered [Read more...]
Guy Somerset: Why does anyone care what Al Sharpton or Shaneequa at the supermarket thinks about their racial beliefs? In some cases such as employment, it’s obvious; but to say … [Read more...]