5 Feet of Fury

Does This Article Contain Hate Speech? “Facebook is a cancer…”

Jim Goad writes:

Facebook allegedly “began to tackle hate speech” around 2005. According to former Facebook general counsel Chris Kelly, the alleged proliferation of “Holocaust denial” on the platform was a huge incentive to go on an anti-hate jihad. But in 2008, the company’s guidelines were still hopelessly vague. According to one employee, a one-page list was distributed that banned specific items such as nudity and Hitler—and, one would presume, nude selfies by Hitler—but at the bottom of the page included the vague admonition to “Take down anything else that makes you feel uncomfortable.”

(…) Those who, like Facebook, seek to squash free speech by creating a false category known as “hate speech” attempt to argue it causes a “clear and present danger” to public safety.

They would have you believe that noticing Mexicans tend to be short and overweight will lead to machine-gun battles in the streets. Mind you, these are the same people who deny that bringing in Mexican cartels to America would ever lead to machine-gun battles in the streets.


I stopped believing in innate human equality sometime around 1990, and as a result, the only people I’ve wanted to physically harm are those who keep lying to me about innate human equality and who want to ban the very act of questioning innate human equality.