5 Feet of Fury

Jim Goad: Revolt of the Involuntary Celibates

Jim Goad writes:

The most compelling evidence for this is not only the 4chan lingo, but the fact that the timestamp on the post was alleged to be 1:27PM EST. But surveillance footage shows that Minassian’s rampage began a few minutes before that, and it’s hard to believe he’d be able to type a Facebook message while driving a van over crowds of people. (…)

It’s impossible to gauge what quotient of self-identified incels are so cancerously bitter at women that they encourage murderous rampages such as Elliot Rodger’s. But focusing on the ultraviolent freaks only serves to obscure the deeply sad fact that many young men out there feel that there is no place for them in this world—and certainly no empathy. If they dare to make a peep about the fact that many modern women are shallow, hateful, status-seeking, promiscuous whores, they are swatted down as misogynists, facts be damned. They know that there is zero sympathy in this culture for unsuccessful males and that if they dare to complain, they will immediately be slandered as another frightfully creepy Elliot Rodger in the making.