5 Feet of Fury

I’m torn: Taki’s shuts down its comments section

I hate to see publications do this, but Taki’s was the exception to my rule that, to find out what’s really going on, you should “read the newspaper upside down.”

Gavin McInnes actually wrote a whole Taki’s column about the commenters, and longtime 5FF readers know that when I was a columnist there, the comments were wall-to-wall, “Ew! A GIRL!!!” and “You’re a Jew!” and then, when it finally clicked that I wasn’t, “You’re an agent of ZOG!”

I had fun back, telling them to go get their Filipino mail order bride to go make ’em a sammich; inviting them to note that I was the one with the byline for a reason; and explaining that bragging about how stupid you are (“I don’t own a TV! Who cares about music & stuff??”) doesn’t, in fact, make you sound smart…

Anyway, here you go:

Some of you will not be happy to know that the President, in his nepotistic fashion, supports this decision. Nor that this decision has little to do with The Donald, The Left, the SPLC, the NAACP, DACA, NAFTA, BREXIT, The Russians, Harvey Weinstein, Muslims, Mexicans, Wakanda, or (((the Rothschilds))), who many believe, judging from the tiresome and banal commentary on our website, are omnipotent masters of the universe who are to blame for absolutely everything including every last spoiled little rich girl temper tantrum. (…)

At this point, we would be ever so grateful if you would kindly give the steady stream of childish threats to abandon Takimag forever a rest and be grateful we provide this platform for you and our writers, and that they have something intelligent to say week after week.