5 Feet of Fury

Sailer: “Why is it so bad to argue against ‘white monopoly capital’ in South Africa…”

Steve Sailer asks…

…but so admirable to excoriate “white privilege” in America?

Well, for one thing, “white monopoly capital” is a reasonably accurate term, while “white privilege” is largely used to revile whites who aren’t terribly privileged, like Ferguson ex-policeman Darren Wilson, or who aren’t terribly white, like George Zimmerman, or who aren’t terribly existent, like Haven Monahan.

In contrast, white monopoly capital really is a thing in South Africa, which was home to the world’s most famous monopoly since the 1911 breakup of Standard Oil, the De Beers diamond firm, which was founded by Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Beit. Until De Beers pled guilty to price-fixing in 2004, its executives could not set foot in the U.S. because they would have been arrested for violations of the Sherman Antitrust Act.