5 Feet of Fury

“The JQ ‘infantilizes’ whites by casting them as gullible children…”

There is no “Jewish Question.” This b.s. reveals more about the “questioners” than it does about “the Jews.”

If you can’t figure out why a group of people who have a 5000 year history and tradition that prioritizes learning, family and success are GENERALLY so learned, family-oriented and successful, then — you’re a moron.

Do we need to examine “the Scottish question” to explain/complain about the Scottish Enlightenment? 

I’m female. Men built and invented 95% of the stuff in the world. WHO GIVES A SHIT?

I guess I’m the moron, because I literally don’t even understand the point of all this.

As always with David Cole, something to provoke and annoy everyone…

On the other hand, the JQ does allow whites to indulge in the fantasy of “white brotherhood,” by blaming Jews for all instances in which whites have slaughtered other whites. “If not for the Jews and their chicanery, we’d never have had these ‘brother wars.’” But what is that if not white nationalists once again aping black SJWs? What is that if not a refusal to face the reality of “white-on-white violence,” just as so many blacks refuse to face the reality of their own intraracial murders? (…)

Keep in mind, my beef with JQers is not that they dare to say negative things about Jews. I do that myself (and not just Jews, but blacks, whites, Latinos, and, well, everyone else). The problem is, the JQers take reasonable gripes and turn them into something fantastical. Take, for example, my suggestion that Jews achieve success based on merit as opposed to conspiratorial powers. Many readers might counter that claim by invoking a controversial 2012 American Conservative piece written by Ron Unz, in which Unz argued that the overrepresentation of Jewish students at Ivy League schools is due to nepotism, not merit. Specifically, Unz asserted that there is a direct correlation between the number of Jewish admissions and the high number of Jews in topmost administrative positions at those universities. Although Unz’s methodology was questioned by critics, let’s say, for the sake of argument, that he’s correct. Unz also clearly states that what he believes the Jewish university presidents and provosts are doing today—showing favoritism to Jewish students—is no different from what white Christian university presidents and provosts did back in the 1920s and ’30s, when they showed favoritism toward white, non-Jewish students.

In other words, if Unz has correctly identified a wrong, he admits that it’s not a uniquely Jewish wrong. It’s human nature, not a matter of “Jews being Jews.” Yes, there are traits and behaviors that are fairly unique to Jews, but the JQ nonsense muddies any intelligent discussion of the topic by labeling practically everything Jews do as “typically Jewish.”