5 Feet of Fury

David Cole: The Death of the False Flag

David Cole writes:

Considering that Siskind lives in New York, if the shooting never made the news, how did she hear about it? Unless, of course, she has a secret life in rural NorCal as a pot farmer. Also, white men account for only about half of the mass shootings in the U.S. (according to PolitiFact, “white men appear proportionally less likely to commit a mass shooting” than men of other races). Plus, it is not true that “almost all” mass shooters have a history of domestic violence (according to a study by Time, about 33% do). That’s a lot of stuff to get wrong in one two-sentence tweet! But beyond all the falsehoods, what we have is a beauty of a conspiracy theory: The massacres are purposely being downplayed in order to “normalize mass shootings by white men.”

The fascinating part to me is that now we have two completely contradictory conspiracy theories regarding mass shootings. From the false flaggots: “They are playing up mass shootings in order to spread fear and panic so the public will demand gun control!” From Siskind and her Twitter devotees: “They are downplaying mass shootings in order to normalize white male violence.”