5 Feet of Fury

Some stuff I wrote about Louis CK a few years ago…


Louis CK has quickly become the Kevin Smith of non-obese beta males…

In this interview, Louis CK goes from offering a truly insightful explanation of the fallout from Tracy Morgan’s controversial “homophobic” joke, to ending the interview with (and this is the actual transcript):

“I think the opportunity that was lost was for the gay community to ask Tracy, ‘why did you say that’ and ‘what was your dad like’ and ‘what does being a man mean to you,’ you know what I mean? It could have been a starting point of a conversation that might have actually made a difference in how people feel about homophobia.”

And right there, Louis CK sounds like the kind of person a comedian (like Louis CK) is supposed to be making fun of.


Second, even Jerry Seinfeld doesn’t quite get it. He singles out Louis CK for praise as a younger comic who “doesn’t worry” about PC.

Except he does. And so does CK’s female counterpart, Amy Schumer. They’re the comedy Jesus and Mary to millennials because they’ve discovered that a dash or three of sriracha helps audiences of every political persuasion swallow what really amounts to the same old rotten, knee-jerk, “progressive” worldview.

If you simply lard your gags with enough swearing, scatology, and sex, you can make them seem edgier than they really are. As I’ve said here before, every “shocking” CK (or now, Schumer) bit is really just an eat-your-kale Afterschool Special, but with swears.

Strip away the cursing and the cringeworthy blather about bodily functions, and this “brilliant, daring, revolutionary” comedy is just “Louis learns that fat girls are human too”…