5 Feet of Fury

One day we’ll find out the Scottsboro Boys were guilty…

Is there anything the cynical, snarky, brainwashing Left HASN’T been wrong about?

Consider the infamous Duck and Cover cartoon (1951), cautioning school kids how to survive a nuclear attack. The advice given is today’s black-comedy punchline: when you see the blast, get down and put your hands over your head. Go ahead and giggle–but guess what? It works. Most of the damage caused by a nuclear bomb comes from the shockwave–which travels at a lower speed from the light of the blast. So, if you happen to see the blinding flash of an atomic blast and aren’t immediately incinerated, then drop to the floor and cover your head to avoid the shockwave. After the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, the Japanese authorities realized this and taught the “duck and cover” method to its policemen. A few days later, the second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki–whose police force now knew what to do. The death toll among Nagasaki police was vastly lower than in unprepared Hiroshima, and the improved survival rate of first-responders meant that city was able to survive and recover from the attack far better.