5 Feet of Fury

In August, J-Pod called Sailer “racist filth” for making a joke about Harvey Weinstein

So there’s that…

Steve Sailer writes now:

Podhoretz is no fan of Weinstein’s Democratic politics, but for an outsider to joke about Harvey’s history of suckering Oscar voters with sanctimony was just not done. (…)

Second, the Weinstein scandal is a good time to bring up a potential reform I’ve been mentioning for about a half decade: We should seriously consider banning child actors from movies and television. (…)

Beyond the possibility of sexual abuse of minors, there’s the general question of whether being a child star is good for people in the long run. I mean, Robert Blake was a star of Our Gang shorts in the 1940s and he turned out fine. Oh, wait… (…)

A gold standard in social science is the twin study. Because identical twin babies are often hired to portray infants, it might be possible for researchers to find a number of pairs where one twin stayed in the industry while the other did not, and find out which turned out happier.

BTW: This scene from In Cold Blood? Wow… According to this (great) doc, the director didn’t realize they’d created a “tear” effect until he saw the dailies: