5 Feet of Fury

David Stein pens a controversial column about a controversial column

As it often does, Stein’s latest Taki’s column includes something to offend everyone.

But here’s the thing:

He really, truly has worked in Hollywood for a long time…

Now, don’t take that as a defense of Hollywood. This is a truly terrible place filled with ambition, vanity, greed, jealousy, backbiting, and bullying. It’s a horrible town, just not horrible in the way some of you think. No, there are no “Satanic pedophile rings.” The biz has pedophiles just as it has rapists, but it also has liars (like convicted fraudster Michael Egan) who make up stories about pedophiles and rapists. And Satanism? Directors only dabble in pentagram and devil-goat imagery because they know it cheeses off conservatives. (…)

[Weinstein] made the one mistake this town doesn’t forgive: He had a dry spell. He stopped being an earner. (…)

But what about the “Jew” angle? Is there anything specifically Jewish about Weinstein and his troubles? Mark Oppenheimer, editor-at-large of Tablet magazine, certainly thinks so. In a piece Richard Spencer described as being as good as anything from the Daily Stormer, Oppenheimer declared that Weinstein is an example of “specifically Jewy perviness.” His assertion is not that only Jews use their power and influence to sexually exploit or assault women. Clinton, Cosby, Savile, the Kennedys, and a thousand other examples prove that isn’t true. Rather, Oppenheimer’s claim is that Weinstein perved for specifically Jewy reasons—to dominate and humiliate shiksas as a way of getting back at the goys. Basically, Oppenheimer thinks Weinstein spent his entire adult life purposely reenacting a Streicher cartoon.