5 Feet of Fury

Will Trump fire “Mad Dog” Mattis for not saying “radical Islamic extremism”?

Guess not, since he didn’t mention it yesterday himself, as Mark Steyn writes:

…for the first time since we launched SteynOnline in 2002, we did not re-post material from September 11th 2001 and the days that followed. (…)

As I mentioned yesterday, the President forbore to mention Islam at all: Instead, we were attacked by “horrible, horrible enemies” and “enemies like we’ve never seen before”. Well, we’ve seen a lot of them since, and they appear to have certain things in common – things that this President was once not shy about mentioning. Yet, insofar as Islam got a look in from officialdom, it was a passing reference in the speech of Defense Secretary “Mad Dog” Mattis:

Maniacs disguised in false religious garb thought by hurting us they could scare us that day.

Well, whoever they are, these “maniacs” can evidently scare grizzled hard men called “Mad Dog” into concluding that, when it comes to mentioning the I-word, discretion is the better part of valor.