5 Feet of Fury

(video) Insane Clown Posse: “We’re First Amendment Warriors” for Juggalo Nation

I wrote about Insane Clown Posse’s harassment by the FBI and other authorities here in 2011.

More proof that class warfare, against lower-class writes, is very real:


“On September 16, 2017, horror-core rap group Insane Clown Posse will lead the Juggalos in a march on the National Mall in Washington D.C.”

But it gets better:

It took Nazis to get people excited about Juggalos. Because Juggalos are scheduled to march in D.C on September 16th and so is the Alt-Right…

Uh… huh(?!):

Insane Clown Posse’s music and lyrics have always, but always, been anti-racist, anti-redneck, anti-rich and intensely class-conscious, so they are by default also strongly anti-Alt-Right.