Jim Goad writes:
Our grieving nation breathed a sigh of relief when the Associated Press broke the news that Hurricane Harvey was not a racist.
“Black, white, rich, poor: Storm Harvey didn’t discriminate,” read the headline, because the important thing to remember is that even though people were drowning by the dozens and disease was spreading rapidly and tens of thousands were losing everything they’ve ever owned, at least we could all clasp hands and celebrate the fact that Harvey—who may or may not be a white male—had no problem with indiscriminately killing human beings of all colors and ethnic backgrounds.
(And what a relief, coming right after that racist eclipse, eh?)
Houston, TX, leapfrogged over New York in 2010 to become the nation’s “most racially and ethnically diverse major metropolis.” (…)
So eager were they to revel in the idea of a PMS-enraged Goddess punishing these inbred racists with a hurricane and flooding, they didn’t check to see that the area getting walloped went solidly blue in the 2016 elections.
Keep reading to learn how many illegal aliens are believed to live in Houston?
Can you guess?
Nope, too low…