5 Feet of Fury

David Cole: “Events like Unite the Right are nothing but a whole lotta bad road”

David Cole reminds us that it’s all fun and games until somebody loses an eye.

This is hard (for me) to hear (because I am 53 going on 13), but yeah. Of course, your mileage may vary, but I will say that if you spend 50 years calling people Nazis, it’s a wonder that only a few thousand of them have finally said, “OK, fine then…”

Don’t get me wrong; I’m all in favor of standing up to Antifa thuggery, and there’s a part of me that cheers a little every time I see some leftist prick get his or her nose punched in (especially since I first started dealing with Antifa hooligans up in Canada where, due to restrictions on “right wing” speech and expression, it was damn near impossible for any group on the right to counter them). But just don’t deny that the brawling was something a lot of you were looking forward to, either as participants, spectators, or online observers. The day after the rally, it was embarrassing to see so many “based warriors” whining about how “we never wanted no trouble.” Because that’s total “dinduism,” no different from the responses of every black protester who lost a fight that day. “I wuzn’t even tryin’ to protest; I wuz just on my way to the store to buy a shelf for all my honors-student awards and some racists jumped me!” It’s pathetic.

So is the knee-jerk defense of James Alex Fields. “He was just scared! He was only trying to get away! They were blocking him and the poor lil’ guy panicked!” The unedited street-level footage of the ramming (the footage that starts before Fields’ car is hit by a bat) shows Fields accelerating toward the crowd with nobody chasing him or blocking his exit. And anyway, Fields willingly waded into a war zone dressed for battle; if he’s so easily rattled, he shouldn’t have done that to begin with. (…)

With all the “naughty fun” some folks on the right have been having recently, getting into street brawls with commies and rubbing elbows with swastika-clad “bad boys,” I’d like to remind everyone that the right is currently getting its ass kicked on the whole Confederate-statue thing. The SJWs are winning that one hands down; every day, more statues bite the dust. This is the kind of fight that matters (as opposed to based Spencerians and woke Antifas beating each other with sticks like chimps in the wild), and as of this moment it’s a severe thrashing with the right on the losing end.