5 Feet of Fury

Tim Sommer: “Impotent Political Grandstanding Is Forcing Rock and Roll into Irrelevancy”

Ignore the dumb “Four Freedoms” delusions (“fear” and “want” are in fact inoperable cancers of our fallen human condition, but liberals refuse to accept that) and enjoy the good parts, as a fully-wound Sommer writes in the once grand “rock critic” tradition of “baroque hipster”…

I want to state this and state it very clearly: It is perfectly okay if you support “another” political point of view, and equally copacetic if you don’t care much at all. Respecting the four freedoms absolutely positively means that I respect your right to support anyone you damn please, and I also respect your right to not care at all. I am only interested in calling out those who make a great show of having a political point of view (and who use your anger as a part of their marketing) yet who contribute nothing tangible, real or pragmatic to promote sensible engagement.

Roger Waters is making money off of your anger, but he is doing nothing to fix the problem. This is disgusting.

One freaking table at your concerts where people can find out how to help elect Democrats in their congressional district in 2018. That’s all I am asking for, Roger, Bono, Bruce, Billy Joe and whoever else. One freaking table. Give me that, or shut the fuck up and sing your songs. Don’t pretend to make a difference just because you belch out a few nasty things about Trump. What you’re doing is worse than doing nothing, because you are using our outrage, our nation’s tragedy, to slop some credibility polish on your rock and roll turd. One freaking table, lads.

If you can’t do that, you all belong in the salt mines of hell, where you will be forced to lick Lux Interior’s balls for all of eternity.