5 Feet of Fury

Steve Sailer calls “Dunkirk” (2017) “Nolan’s finest

Steve Sailer writes:

In reality, Dunkirk is probably the least anti-Fascist British WWII movie ever. Nolan never mentions “the Germans,” much less “the Nazis.” They are just “the enemy.” Branagh, star of a film about a shameless war of English aggression in Europe, Henry V, is there to remind you that, no matter what the current ideological justifications, going over to the Low Countries to kick the Continentals around is just something the English periodically do. It’s better than the Continentals coming over to England to fight their battles, which the English have avoided since 1066.

Mark Rylance, in contrast, represents a more Tolkienesque Little England that doesn’t see much attraction in fighting abroad—since the rest of the world is filled with foreigners—but will do what has to be done to secure the Shire.

What Dunkirk is really about is the English custom of forming orderly lines to await one’s turn.

Interestingly, Adam Carolla and “Bald Brian” weren’t as enthusiastic.

Carolla loves World War II movies but complained that there was no single protagonist to focus on and cheer for, and both were confounded by Nolan’s manipulation of the time line.

He also wondered how a boat full of holes could be seaworthy.

Another view: