5 Feet of Fury

Ann Coulter: “How Delta Airlines Wrecked American Health Care”

Ann Coulter writes:

In fact, the CBO merely estimates that—in the year 2026—22 million Americans who otherwise would have been forced by the Obamacare penalty to buy health insurance will choose not to buy insurance once the penalty is gone. By “people thrown off their health insurance,” liberals mean: “people who voluntarily decide not to have health insurance.” (More accurately, “people who choose not to prove to the government that they have health insurance.”)

To use the word “lose” here is absurd. It would be like saying that Nixon ending the draft meant that 50,000 American men would “lose” their military service. The poor lads would be forced to volunteer.


If we’re going to have any kind of civil society, we need to insist that words mean what they say.

“Health insurance”: A group of people pooling their money every month, in the event that one of them ends up with an expensive medical problem.

“Wall”: Wall. (…)

“Seat 3A”: The seat you were promised.