Look, I’m not even a fan of the guy, but:
Ignore the laughable “Well, I never!” complaints about his politics, and you’ll find yourself here:
However, this lyrically focused musical consolation is something produced – but by no means consumed – almost exclusively by white men. If you aren’t one, you may still be desperate to latch on to the lifeline that is Morrissey’s output, but you’ll have to do the mental gymnastics to put yourself in a white man’s shoes to do so. Along the way, you will need to deafen yourself to reminders that you are not the same, like the troubling portrait of an immigrant in Bengali in Platforms or any one of the Smiths’s patronised and pathetic heroines.
Obviously the issue is not that Morrissey is a white man, it’s that in the hugely influential world of introspective rock everyone else is too.
The comments are closed, so I can’t bitch there.
Longtime 5FF readers may know where I’m going with this…
That’s right:
Behold one of the most astonishing fandoms of my lifetime:
Mexican Morrissey fans:
Why do Mexican Americans love Morrissey so much?
21 Perfect Examples Of The Love Affair Between Morrissey And His Mexican Fans
Morrissey and Mexico fit together like hand in glove. Is that really so strange?
Seriously, am I taking crazy pills?