5 Feet of Fury

Mark Steyn on #CNNBlackmail: “Wolf Blitzer has basically put a horse’s head in this guy’s bed”

Fox News helpfully explains the Godfather reference, which is a movie trope I think even their viewers could “get” unaided…

RELATED: David Harsanyi has a fabulous take on this…

If you’re going to create nasty memes to get attention, demand people give you credit for those memes, and celebrate when the president of the United States shares one with his 30 million followers, I have no sympathy for you. You’re not a martyr for the cause of free expression. There was a time that anonymity allowed Americans with unpopular or unconventional beliefs to make their arguments without fear of retribution. Today, the Internet has created an environment that incentivizes people to create detestable messages meant to troll and harass.

Then again…