5 Feet of Fury

Sailer: “As the US merges demographically with Mexico, Latin-style economic arrangements have been reemerging” here

When you import non-Anglo cultures to the West, this is what happens.

And by “non-Anglo”, I include the goddamn French, as regular readers know.

Steve Sailer writes:

Obviously (although, oddly enough, controversially), increasing the supply of potential truck drivers through immigration bids down their pay. More subtly, Mexican and Central American workers tend to be relatively easy to fool and exploit through complex contracts, which helps explain their popularity with American elites. (…)

This happy-go-lucky fatalism of Mexicans toward signing themselves into debts that they aren’t likely to be able to pay off played a sizable role in the mortgage meltdown of a decade ago. (…)

Granted, if you were handy with an Excel spreadsheet, you could have carefully read through the contract you were offered and built a model that should have shown you that you wouldn’t be making much for all the hours that you’d be expected to work (often exceeding the legal limits imposed for public safety so more motorists don’t wind up like poor Tracy Morgan). And you’d have noticed that if you didn’t work all those hours, you’d default on your loan and lose not just your job but also everything you’d paid in over the years toward your truck.

Of course, if you were good with Excel, or even literate in English, you’d probably have a better job than port trucking. That’s just the way it goes in modern Mexifornia.