5 Feet of Fury

“Trudeau, Not Trump, Is the Real Demagogue”

Christian Butler at Spiked UK:

The same journalists who scoff at the proles for falling for fake news are more than happy to lap up Trudeau’s tweets and videos without question. And yet these viral moments are almost entirely disingenuous. They, too, are fake news, used to prop up the reputation of the shallowest of liberals. Observers discourage engagement with Trudeau’s policies or actions – what does he actually believe? – and instead condescendingly invite us to enjoy photos of and banal statements from this glorious leader.

Shirtless pics don’t do much to help Canadians struggling to make ends meet.

Why does a prime minster spend so much time creating hoax publicity stunts? (…)

The myth of an open Canada, ruled over by the caring Trudeau, was cemented by a photo of a Mountie helping a refugee child over the US-Canada border. Photos of the child’s family being immediately arrested did not receive the same coverage, of course. Nothing can be allowed to muddy the image of the demagogue Trudeau.