5 Feet of Fury

I Wake Up Screaming: A note about Taki’s and me

Many horror movies are notable only for their titles. Troma made (inexplicable) millions from this single fact.

I Wake Up Screaming is one of those.

I’ve never seen it but found myself thinking of the title far too frequently for far too long.

My day job takes up 12-14 hours a day through the week, and a few hours over the weekends, sometimes more.

Yes, I’ve been a longtime advocate of having a side hustle, but the time has finally come — after six years — for me to give up (at least for now) my last remaining freelance gig:

My weekly Taki’s column.

I will miss the sizable quarterly cheque (in US dollars to boot.)

However, I found myself waking up every Saturday morning dreading the coming 48 hours, where I would try to squeeze in column writing along with normal weekend stuff.

I’m not pleasant to be around at the best of times, and fretting about my column wasn’t helping.

In particular, I didn’t have time to read with any sustained attention, and this in turn was affecting my writing.

I have an open invitation to return some day, which is very kind of the Taki’s folks.

I’m sad about this, and feel like a lazy slob for wanting to have “weekends” for a while, but I do.

Being in New York for a week, on my first vacation in a while, helped make up my mind.

So don’t watch for me every Tuesday, at least for a while.

Sorry, guys…