5 Feet of Fury

Jim Goad on the Evergreen College implosion

BTW: Don’t bother celebrating these left-on-left “eating itself” battles. They’ve been going on since the French Revolution and we see the results:

It seems to make them/it stronger.

Jim Goad writes:

But the student mobs were not content to merely cleanse Weinstein from their campus. Immediately after harassing him in the hallway, they spilled out across Evergreen State, barking, “Hey hey, ho ho, these racist teachers have got to go!” They held the faculty hostage as they screamed about racism and white people and white supremacy and slavery and oppression and a list of demands that needed to be met or they’d never stop screaming. It’s pure Maoist Cultural Revolution style mob insanity.

All because a Jewish teacher—who didn’t get a pass because he was phenotypically white to them, and they don’t discriminate—said maybe it’s a little bigoted to tell white people to stay away from school for a day.

Despite Weinstein’s naiveté—he didn’t realize that despite all his loudly proclaimed anti-racist sentiments and activism, he’ll always just be an evil white boy to a certain subset of fanatics—he at least showed a spine. In the face of all the chanting and threats, he didn’t back down an inch from his conviction that it’s “racist” to tell any racial group to stay away from their own school.