5 Feet of Fury

Gavin McInnes on “the myth of white terrorism”

Gavin McInnes writes:

The white-supremacist deaths are around the “death from spider bites” level. There was Klansman Frazier Glenn Miller, who hated Jews so much he shot three men in an old-folks’ home he assumed were Jewish. There’s also that guy who came to NYC to kill blacks and got one. Finally, we have the member of the “Alt-Reich” (never heard of it) who stabbed a black student to death last week. That’s five.

How you make 3,100 look less than five takes some backbreaking mental acrobatics. Fort Hood and the Oklahoma beheading are considered “workplace violence.” They include “plots” and count virtually anything suspicious that either happens to a minority or is done by a right-winger. Any of those sovereign-state nuts who murder a cop is counted as white-supremacist terrorism, no matter what the race. If a white guy kills a pedophile priest for raping him, it’s neo-Nazi terrorism. They count that sad nut who flew his plane into an IRS building as domestic terrorism. A prank call to a synagogue is an act of domestic terrorism, and now a goofy 13-year-old is just as dangerous as Osama bin Laden. I’m not exaggerating. The above attacks are counted as “incidents,” so 9/11 only counts as one and the Alt-Reich kid counts as the same. We’re reaching a level of disingenuous where you have trouble believing they believe their own rhetoric.