5 Feet of Fury

“You cannot read the stories of those killed or missing without choking, without tears…”

…without appreciating that even by the standards of contemporary terrorism there was something especially vile about this latest atrocity.

This column is idiotic and infuriating even by Alex Massie’s “standards.”

Better to read the comments instead.

However, I break with him even in that statement, which means I suppose that he is a better person than I am, presuming he isn’t posing.

This is the first major terror attack that has left me cold. (As if that is important…)

Despite the victims’ youth, I just don’t feel angry or even numb. “Numb” still implies a low level “buzz” and I just feel, and think, nothing.

Not having children of my own no doubt contributes to this.

For some people, Manchester will be a wakeup call. Whereas I have been awake since 9/11 and I’m not getting tired, just… nothing.