5 Feet of Fury

Mark Steyn: “‘We’re not allowed to talk about this,’ as Sullivan says”

Mark Steyn writes:

As Jorge Ramos lectured Tucker Carlson on Fox the other night, Carlson has no standing to object to illegal immigrants because they turn down the bed in his hotel room. When they’re serving you your Egg McMuffin, none dare call it treason.

As for Sullivan’s statement that “this is going to be the first white-majority country to become the first white-minority country in the history of the world”, the chaps back on the hamster wheel in 1965 – like Ted Kennedy – explicitly assured Americans that that was not going to happen, no need to worry about it. Half-a-century on, it may be the first country, but certainly not the last. My old boss, Charles Moore, on Douglas Murray’s new book, The Strange Death of Europe:

“One telling point he makes is how even the most ‘bigoted’ predictions of demographic change have been exceeded by reality. Suppose, says Murray, that Enoch Powell, in his incendiary ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech in 1968, had predicted that, in the 2011 census, in 23 of London’s 33 boroughs, people describing themselves as ‘white British’ would have been in a minority. He would have been pilloried for his alarmism. Yet it is so. At a meeting of Google Zeitgeist (perfect venue) on Monday, Tony Blair said that immigration was a ‘perception problem’. Murray’s point is that it is a plainly numerical one.”

Some stories are so big they never make the papers. You can’t see the tsunami for the leaks.