5 Feet of Fury

David Cole: How Jewish groups popularized Holocaust denial

This has been Ezra Levant’s bugbear for years, but here is David Cole at Taki’s, now that Ernst Zundel’s case is being reviewed by Eugene Volokh (!) in the Washington Post (!!):

But, my Jewish brider, look what the war on Zundel wrought. Holocaust denial was put on the map, and Zundel became an international figure of note. Was it worth it, going after this rotund little bald man? Is it still worth it? Yes, it’s a victory in that Zundel is finished. He’ll probably die soon, and Jews can dance on his grave. Satisfied? But in a broader sense, it was a terrible defeat, in terms of what Zundel’s bullies were hoping to accomplish versus what they actually did. In attempting to silence Holocaust denial, Jewish groups gave it a megaphone. Worse still, in trying to squash a man who spreads Jewish conspiracy theories, Jews acted just like the vengeful, world-controlling puppeteers Zundel portrays them as. In trying to suppress Zundel’s crude stereotypes, Jews ended up personifying them.