5 Feet of Fury

It’s Ann Coulter all over again: Mark Steyn notices something different about American readers lately. Me too.


Mark Steyn writes about Ann Coulter being threatened at a university (in Ottawa seven years ago) and now (at Berkeley):

So here we are seven years on from the show not going on in Ottawa, and free speech is despised even more. I should note one other small change: in the old days, columns such as the one below used to attract emails from US readers pointing out that “We’re not like you Canuck pussies/Euro-wimps/[Insert Despised Foreign Jurisdiction Here]. Americans won’t put up with this nonsense.” But it’s 2017 and, from Middlebury to Berkeley, Americans are putting up with it. The organs of the state – from taxpayer-funded schools to law enforcement – are colluding with the thugs against the only diversity that matters: diversity of opinion. A First Amendment that doesn’t extend even to public universities is in pretty poor shape. What matters is public support for the broader culture of free speech and in the US, as in Canada and Europe and Australia, the left’s hostility to freedom of expression is ever more brazen.

And that occupation of the Heritage Foundation happened this week too.

What is it with you wimps?

I thought you were “winning.”

PS: For a blast from the past, here are my reports on the Ann Coulter riots of 2010.

And for the record, I said “Take a camel” seconds before Coulter did.

(And I still have my t-shirt.)

I’m not saying she heard me (near the front row) and stole it. I’ll agree to “great minds think alike”…