5 Feet of Fury

Jim Goad: Trump’s missile strike “felt like a groin kick and gut punch at the same time”

Jim Goad writes:

One thing I find a mite odd is that Trump reportedly warned the Russians prior to the attack. If this is all some elaborate joint effort between the Trump Administration and the Russians to cast doubt over these endless accusations that they engage in elaborate joint efforts, it’s an absolutely brilliant move and Trump truly is the fourth-dimensional chess wizard his fondest acolytes claim he is.

That would be the most optimistic scenario. But history and personal experience have trained me not to be optimistic. (…)

Tellingly, the most vocal critics of the missile attack came from what were formerly Trump’s most ardent supporters. Paul Joseph Watson of Infowars tweeted, “I guess Trump wasn’t ‘Putin’s puppet’ after all, he was just another deep state/Neo-Con puppet.” Ann Coulter said “Trump campaigned on not getting involved in Mideast. Said it always helps our enemies & creates more refugees. Then he saw a picture on TV.” The editors of VDARE tweeted, “Sixteen years after September 11, we’re Al-Qaeda’s air force.”