5 Feet of Fury

David Cole: Rachel Dolezal, the Left’s Transracial Monster

David Cole writes:

Now, of course, there will be unintended consequences. The left might think that blacks are going to take this sitting down, and, to the extent that American blacks will never stop being leftist, that’s true. But lefties are poking a most ornery beehive. Blacks are already not exactly transgender-friendly, and the menace of transracialism might make them even less so. Black groups are already bringing their beloved brand of loud, irrational bully-protesting to LGBT events. Transracial acceptance will only make that situation worse. The more blacks are told that “white people can think themselves black, just like males can think themselves female,” the more blacks will become even more hostile to the idea of transgenderism, as they’ll (correctly) see in it the same pseudoscientific rationale as transracialism.

Like all of the left’s schemes, this will not end well. Not for Western civilization, and not for leftists and the coalitions they depend on. But, as if I even have to say it, if leftists had the gift of foresight they wouldn’t be leftists. So off they go, unleashing another freakish monster to terrorize the village.