I like Rick McGinnis’ portrait of Waters better obviously, so here it is.
As usual, there was stuff I had to cut for space, and I’m never sure whether or not that’s just as well…
I said earlier that Breitbart’s televised meeting with his hero was a disaster. It took place during the Tea Party’s ascendancy (which had been accompanied by the inevitable scatological response from the left), so Waters greeted him with “So are you a Tea Bag top or bottom?” The audience dutifully howled.
But, well, it’s not really funny, is it? Neither is Waters’ quip that Milo Yiannopoulos is “just the next Fred Phelps.” I’ll bet his famous mustache curdled when he mouthed that dumb, leaden line.
Yet those are the familiar sad, sputtering sounds liberals make when they’re trapped. Like all transgressive, avant garde blah blah blah progressives, Waters finds himself stuck in the very future he helped create—a reality show host for president!?!—but which is no longer under his control.