5 Feet of Fury

David Cole: “Ng wrote about [Friends of Abe] as though it’s alive and well”

Cole on Hollywood conservatives and purity tests:

To Beck, the very notion of “conservative principles” is meaningless without pro-life. To the calcified remnants of Friends of Abe, “social conservatism” (as in, abortion) is not an essential element of “conservative principles.” And since the alt-right is now in the mix, a third party weighed in last week, as along came Richard Spencer (because every tripartite needs a Nazi), who applauded Lahren and denounced Beck, proclaiming that to the “identitarians” on the right, abortion is, on average, rather a good thing (…)

I hate to say it, but Spencer’s is the only honest position (honest in that he’s being true to his ideology). He’s a man who wants to build a whiter and brighter world, and banning abortion would hinder that goal. I’m not saying he’s right; he’s just intellectually honest. Boreing, Simon, and the rest of the anti-Trump Friends of Abe necrotics? They couldn’t be more full of crap.