5 Feet of Fury

“America used to be able to afford nice things such as freedom of speech, science…”

Steve Sailer writes (about the Charles Murray/injured female prof campus debacle):

But now we are blessed with diversity, peace be upon it, so we can’t tolerate our Western heritage anymore.

That raises a question that ought to be of interest to investors: Does the increasing campus hysteria and antirationality portend bad news for Silicon Valley? If students increasingly grow up in a culture in which the person with the most wounded feelings rules, will they be able to code emotionless computers as well as in the past?

One possibility might be that intimidating smart young white men out of the public sphere of meaningful debate might be good for business because they will stop wasting their time on larger questions and instead focus on smaller domains.

For example, since the 1970s, Bill James has fostered a revolution in baseball statistics analysis. Baseball stats have served as a safe space for high-IQ white guys who enjoy the increasingly forbidden pleasure of pattern recognition. Nobody is gonna get all Middlebury on sabermetricians for noticing, as long as they only notice on-base percentages.