5 Feet of Fury

Gavin McInnes on the Milo mess

Gavin McInnes writes:

For the record, gays, no, you may not have sex with 13-year-olds under any circumstances. Even if you suspect said teen is gay. Normalizing such behavior is how young straight boys get molested by camp counselors. Though there are gays who may have convinced themselves they enjoyed the experience, there are plenty of straights who contemplate murder for decades after the event. Others choose suicide. (…)

Liberals have no idea what gays get up to. I’ll never forget Jon Stewart on The Daily Show claiming that gays have the same lifestyle we do. He claimed he knew this because he lives in the West Village. I’ve been surrounded by homos my entire adult life and the shit they get up to would turn your hair white. (…)

To even imply that 13-year-olds are capable of consensual sex in any capacity is a mistake, and it’s an error Milo has apologized for, but his enemies won’t forgive him because this isn’t about the truth. For the left, crucifying Milo is about revenge for making the right cool.