5 Feet of Fury

John Waters is confused


Waters says he has watched Multiple Maniacs with young people after its recent restoration and it still resonates. “I’m not saying it hasn’t dated; it’s dated in way that it might be more appalling today than it was then. It was a punk rock movie. I look back on it now and think: ‘Oh my God, all this stuff about killing cops – not even the most radical group would say anything like that today.’ And you forget, in the 60s, ‘Off The Pig’ was a common slogan on a march, which is shocking today to look back on.”

However, he feels that the humour of radical groups from that era, such as the Weathermen, is the key to finding a new radicalism today. “These are political activists who use humour as terrorism to mortify your opponent. We need that again, and with Trump we’ll probably get it. He’d be an easy person to do it to because he has a short fuse.”