5 Feet of Fury

“A Tribute to Sweet Gene Vincent”

“Gene Vincent, after years of ill health and injury, died this week of a perforated ulcer. Vincent, an uncompromising Virginian greaser, was responsible along with Eddie Cochran and Jerry Lee Lewis, for most of what was mean and greasy in fifties rock and roll. Where Elvis was the teenage hood who got lots of girlfriends, Vincent was symbolic of the punk who leant against walls at the High School dance and cleaned his nails with a switch blade” — Mick Farren, International Times, October 1971

“His early work was powerful stuff. It may have sent the upstanding youth scurrying in the direction of Fabian and Pat Boone, but Vincent became the darling of everyone who ever coveted a black leather jacket with an eagle on the back” — Mick Farren, New Musical Express, February 1975