5 Feet of Fury

Ann Coulter: “Can I Be The Poster Child Against Obamacare?”

Ann Coulter writes:

Now I just have to pray I don’t get cancer or break a bone before Obamacare is repealed because, even at $700 a month with a gigantic deductible, there is NO PLAN on the individual market accepted by the two premier hospitals in my area for cancer or broken bones.

Those $700 premiums go to pay for the pregnancies and dental care of welfare recipients and immigrants, not cancer treatment for Ann.

Democrats love to get on their high horses about the wonderful things Obamacare has done for the uninsured. They should be asked why they refuse to live under it. (…)

Both cases are of zero practical importance to the vast majority of people who just want to buy health insurance on the free market, rather than what we’re doing now, which is giving shiftless layabouts and irresponsible screw-offs an unlimited health care credit card–paid for through our insurance premiums.