5 Feet of Fury

‘Intersectional Feminist Catfights Turn Me On’

Jim Goad writes:

If it was only white women who had voted in the past presidential election, Donald Trump still would have won. The only difference would be that he would also have won the popular vote, and by a 12-point margin. Trump garnered 53% of the white female vote, whereas a white woman named Hillary Clinton was only able to rally 41% of her white sistren to pull the lever for her.

Ashamed, traumatized, horrified, and grievously triggered by these stats, a pair of phenotypically white women from New York City—where else?—have designed and are marketing a “NOT THIS WHITE WOMAN” T-shirt that enables white feminists who didn’t vote for Trump to publicly virtue-signal this fact.

Hilariously, this doesn’t sit well with black feminists.