5 Feet of Fury

Don’t call David Cole ‘one of the good Jews’

David Cole writes:

And there we see, laid bare, the actual reason that the alt-right will probably disintegrate: Some of its self-appointed leaders are still pissed off about “negro jazz.” Note to the loons: America has moved way past concerns about “negro jazz.” Seriously, guys, it’s not really a problem anymore. Trump didn’t get elected because voters are furious about bebop and scat. And what remains of the coalition that helped put him in office has a choice to make: listen to the people who still read Henry Ford’s anti-jazz International Jew as though it’s a current-affairs tome, or try to use what little influence their (momentarily) high profile has brought in order to effect real change in areas that matter (i.e., not jazz). (…)

White Americans rebelled in 2016 because they were tired of being called unworthy due to their skin color. Anyone who thinks that means they now want to be thought of as superior because of their skin color is insane. Working-class whites were simply tired of being told “You suck.” The racial aspect of Trump’s victory was merely an expression of a longing for fairness and equality—real equality, not the left’s racist, tainted version. Neo-Nazi and white-supremacist alt-rightists will find that white America has no desire to go beyond that.