5 Feet of Fury

Ta-Nehisi Coates is so stupid, he didn’t know who St Augustine was

And being black, he didn’t have to care that he didn’t know, we wuz kangz or something, right?

And he’s literally a genius!

As he speaks, Coates seems to be working out the logical string on the spot, circling back to the beginning and editing himself, refining the argument, then re-refining it. He is 6-foot-4 and has a round, soft-looking face that makes him appear younger than he is. When he’s groping for a word, and that is often, he tends to fill the gaps with “you knows” and bursts of laughter followed by bursts of ideas.

This comment is great:

The proclamation of low-IQ Ta-Nehehehesi Coates as an “intellectual” is hilarious, and seems a farcical combination of the Emperor’s New Clothes, the crowning of a Down syndrome man as “King of Fools” during Mardi Gras, an updating of Tom Wolfe’s Radical Chic for the 21st Century, and the Left doubling-down on the “I have a black friend!” mentality that led to 8 years of Obama destroying the Democrats.

The only thing more hilarious is how the Left hasn’t realized a big, central truth from the election: that very few people are listening to or taking seriously their organs of propaganda, the Corporate Media, anymore. As a result, these folks will be in absolute shock when Coates’s books fail to sell as well as predicted, his writing doesn’t save The Atlantic from dropping sales, and how most Americans, including black Americans, will not know or have heard his nonsense when asked about them—and how little dent his “arguments” (to use the term loosely) will impact national opinions. (Similar to how the Left is always shocked how Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have actual little pull over most blacks, and can’t order them to stop rioting).

And that’s before we get into the hilarity of Coates’s not-very-well-hidden massive insecurity at failing to become the violent, masculine black radical leader his father wanted, and instead becoming a mincing, weak, gentrified token black “thinker” for white lefties to coo over. Such a letdown for daddy.

Seriously, if in a debate you wanted to upset Coates, throw him off his game, or just want to make him spazz out like a child, insinuating that Coates is a disappointment to his father or isn’t very masculine will set him off like a rocket ship, and probably not only have him spitting and sputtering and threatening you (without meaning it), but also launch two-three articles by him attacking you/defending his masculinity. It would be child’s play.

Similar to how Ann Coulter and her fellow travelers on the right figured out that one of Keith Olbermann’s massive insecurities (among his many) was about where he went to college, and so gently mocked him. Olbermann went on a child-tantrum tear, actually physically bringing his diploma out on live TV to lecture people for a full segment about how he really did go to a real Ivy league school, you guys!

Olbermann’s massive faux pas doing that –which in itself was mockable, and only highlighted his insecurity—was probably one of the final straws in pushing his psycho behavior into such a state that, later, not even MSNBC could tolerate his insecure psychosis.

And so it should go with Coates.

And the writer of that comment isn’t a certified “genius” like Coates, or even a writer for The Atlantic whose books are highly praised bestsellers.

Nope, he’s (presumably) just some white guy, who despite his relatively lowly status, is STILL SMARTER THAN COATES…