5 Feet of Fury

‘Islamophobia is a serious disease. You catch it from Muslims’

Time for Taki’s “Week That Perished”:

Because gay New York progressives hate everything that is righteous and beautiful and seek to destroy it until everything is as obnoxious and poop-smeared as they are, a vile and dirty lawyer named Daniel Jennings Goldstein harassed Ms. Trump as she was seated with her husband and three children among the commoners on a JetBlue flight last Thursday. Goldstein is married to another man named Matt Lasner, and through some mysterious miracle of birth, they were able to have a child together.

According to a witness, Goldstein began “visibly shaking” when he saw Ms. Trump on the plane, presumably because he has the emotional maturity of a toddler.

Because our country is headed back toward greatness and will no longer tolerate the emotionally stunted public hissy-fits of gay lawyers who cannot tolerate ideological diversity nor accept electoral humiliation, Mr. Goldstein, his “husband,” and their Miracle Gay Baby were promptly removed from the plane.