5 Feet of Fury

Mark Steyn: ‘The “lone wolf” turns out to be a known wolf’

Mark Steyn writes:

As I noted yesterday, my sometime warm-up act Jonathan Kay deplores all this “Mark Steyn-esque hysteria” about Islam. So it’s important to emphasize that not every “refugee” wants to kill all the infidels. For example, this fellow just wants to make the Nativity play a wee bit more diverse and vibrant:

The Somali asylum seeker suddenly leapt on stage during the traditional depiction of the Christian story in the Austrian town (…) took out a copy of the Koran from his rucksack and started preaching.

The 24-year-old, who was wearing a white robe, was eventually overpowered by a number of men, including two brothers, while he was shouting “Allahu Akbar”.

See? “Allahu Akbar” isn’t necessarily the last words you’ll ever hear just before the powder keg goes up. Sometimes it’s just Arabic for “Happy Holidays!”, a cheery greeting from one people of the book to another – as our youngsters will understand once we start teaching it in nursery school. (…)

Oh, c’mon. Nobody died or was even injured, did they? So what’s with the Steynesque hysteria?