5 Feet of Fury

Gavin McInnes: 10 Real Resolutions for White Guys

Gavin McInnes writes:

Americans lost a million white guys to the Civil War and the two World Wars. They ended slavery and defeated the Nazis and they had no choice in the matter. I’d prefer picking cotton to having my head blown off, but it made a great country and therefore, as Pat Buchanan says, “The time for apologies is past.” If you insist on dredging up America’s past, white guys need only say two words: “You’re welcome.” (…)

This also goes for all black mannerisms. If you’re about to get into a fight, don’t cock your head to the side and do that pimp-walk limp like you’re in the movie Shaft. Be mighty white about it, which means you say as little as possible, stand your ground, and deliver the best blows you can when you have to.