5 Feet of Fury

My NEW Taki’s column: ‘Right-Wingers, Please Stop Saying This One Stupid Thing’

I forecast only partly-“JOOOOOO!!!!”-y comments; Dennis Prager’s name might trip their wiring, though…

As we wind up a year for the ages and enter the Era of Trump, I’ve compiled a list of our own:

Dumb stuff we right-wingers can and should finally stop saying.

For instance, even if President Trump can’t do so (in public), the rest of us need to cease and desist from pretending to agree that “Of course, bullying/global warming/discrimination/pretty much everything is unacceptable.” No more accepting the other side’s dubious premises.

I’m really sick of “the soft bigotry of low expectations,” too. Isn’t it more accurate to say that minorities frequently disappoint the high (or even modest) hopes that the well-meaning left (and right) entertains on their behalf? (See: “Obama, Barack.”)

No, not all cops are heroes, and frankly, a lot of them don’t deserve my respect, Mr. Trump.

And as I’ve bitched before, Conquest’s Laws are patently false.

But there’s one expression that’s been in heavy rotation of late, for obvious reasons, and this one especially has got to go