5 Feet of Fury

Mark Steyn has ‘fun’ with Jonathan Kay (who is turning into Canada’s Bill Kristol)

If you can call it “fun” when the topic is evil Muslims mowing down “infidels” (again…)

Mark Steyn on the Berlin truck terror attack, and more:

Just a few hours before twelve German families had a big bloody hole blown through them a week before Christmas, my old friend and sometime warm-up act Jonathan Kay, with his usual impeccable timing, decided to have another sneer at those simpletons who fret about where all this is heading:

Great @CBC180 discussion. Due to Mark Steyn-esque hysteria, Canadians think Canada is 17% Muslim. It’s actually 3%.

Ha! What rubes, eh? As flattering as it is to be blamed for an entire nation’s Islamophobia, I’d say the reason Canadians – like the French and Germans and Belgians and almost everybody else – think there are more Muslims than there are is fairly obvious: Islam punches above its weight. Even on days when they’re not mowing down Christmas shoppers and assassinating Russian ambassadors – or stabbing French priests, or blowing up Belgian airports, or sexually assaulting German New Year revelers – the less incendiary news of Islam in the west nevertheless conveys an assertiveness and confidence that would still be impressive even if it were 17 per cent. By the time it actually is 17 per cent, you’ll think it’s 48.

Since we seem to have wound up obsessing on percentages, I suppose twelve dead Germans is likewise an insignificant percentage, and far too trivial to sophisticates to warrant “Mark Steyn-esque hysteria”. But it is December 20th, and for the victims’ families in five days’ time that will be 100 per cent of their children or parents or boyfriends or girlfriends missing at the Christmas table. Say a prayer for them: They died because of the recklessness of a western political class that has doubled down on a mad long-shot sociopolitical experiment that can only end catastrophically.

And of course, once again Steyn, and others, point to the media’s insistence that the perpetrator of this latest monstrosity was… the truck:

This BBC headline effortlessly conveys the madness of our times:

Lorry kills 12 at Christmas market

Ah, so the truck did it. So it’s nothing that can’t be fixed by some basic truck-control measures – like, say, licensing and registration of trucks.


Isn’t it obvious, people?

(((Steven Spielberg))) is clearly to blame!