5 Feet of Fury

David Cole: ‘Pizzagate reveals the extent to which the “new media” has indeed taken the place of the “establishment” press’

David Cole writes:

In olden days, it was up to The New York Times, ABC, NBC, and CBS to ruin the lives of Americans by whipping up witch hunts based on flimsy and salacious evidence. Not anymore. (…)

Make no mistake—these leftists, these targets of the Pizzagate gumshoes, are indeed misunderstood by their tormentors. Their “cheekiness” regarding kids, sex, Satanism, etc. is not proof of a “pedo ring”; it’s just leftists wallowing in the last remaining sty that has yet to be cleaned out by their own PC morality police. Invoking imagery of children, sex, and the “dark arts” is the only remaining bit of “edginess” they’re allowed, the only time they can playact at being Lenny Bruce.

So yes, the “cheeky monkeys” of the left have been misread by a group of conspiracy-minded oafs who have queered the fun by spinning every Comet Ping Pong-related word and image into something diabolical…and I hate myself for saying this, but good.

The left has been doing this to the right for years—taking every off-the-cuff comment, every word uttered in the heat of the moment, every successful or failed attempt at humor, on the part of conservatives, and spinning it to “prove” how secretly racist, sexist, and homophobic we are. What the left has done to conservatives, especially in the internet age, is Pizzagate exactly. Everything we do, everything we say, is interpreted in the worst possible way in order to paint us as vile creatures with malicious intent.

With Pizzagate, some high-profile leftists are finally getting a taste of what that’s like.

Hurts, don’ it?

This is the sanest take on Pizzagate I’ve seen, complete with obligatory reminder of the McMartin Pre-school witch hunt.

It also goes to my intolerance of “bumpkinry” on the Right.

When I first moved to Toronto and hung around the poetry/arts/music scene, the big thing was serial killers.

Almost everybody wrote poems and songs about serial killers. Frisk was THE big book the year it came out and Kalifornia was the big movie. This Ain’t the Rosedale Library (run by the two most peaceful hippies you’d ever want to meet) had a serial killer section.

And this being Toronto, we had the added “attraction” of Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka.

Some people bought those serial killer trading cards, and everyone knew someone who knew someone who collected John Wayne Gacy paintings or whathaveyou.

Young, artsy people (on drugs) like weird things. Macabre, goth, “edgy” things.

Was it healthy? Naw. But none of my friends and acquaintances ever killed anybody.

And most outgrew this obsession as far as I know.

But if you’re a bumpkin, you don’t “get” it, and more likely to believe in crap like “backmasking”.

Now, I happen to think that reading books about serial killers is very different than flirting with pedophilia.

But as Cole points out, the Left has driven itself to that point:

To satisfy the “edgy” person’s urge to transgress, they’ve had to move to the outer limits of the Sexual Revolution they themselves created, like a junkie chasing the dragon.

Yep, spirit cooking is genuinely sick-making. (See below)

But when I look at the weird art in Podesta’s house, I see weird art, not evidence of actual Satanic rituals.

It’s not my taste, but again:

Everyone I knew (including me) has/had Day of the Dead art in their homes.

I’ve got a decoupage skull (not a REAL skull) and a diorama of Day of the Dead Skeleton Elvis with the words “Elvis Has Left the Building” on it. Other people buy Day of the Dead Bride and Groom wedding cake toppers.

Yes, I think we need to constantly interrogate any obsession with death (or sex or the occult or whatever):

What does all this stuff reflect about Mexican culture, and is it something we really want to be importing, as “cool” as it looks?

Is “cool” something to aspire to — as I’ve written here and elsewhere for years — or is it too close to the “glamour of evil” that Catholic baptismal vows insist we reject?

But while some of us are having these conversations:

Please don’t look like a hick by going after every “weird” thing you see.

It’s common knowledge that that’s what got the West Memphis 3 convicted, to cite just one example of a “satanic panic” with real world consequences.

But like Cole, yeah:

In this case, being hunted down looks good on these evil frickin leftoids, for once. Sorry (not sorry.)