5 Feet of Fury

My NEW Taki’s column: Joan Rivers would have called Trump ‘the first Jewish president’

Do I even have to talk about the comments…?

Joan Rivers didn’t “get no respect,” she “never got a dinner”—because she was a Republican.

This fact is treated as ever-so-slightly freakish, akin to having a third nipple, by (otherwise detached if somewhat prolix) author Leslie Bennetts in the breezy new bio Last Girl Before Freeway: The Life, Loves, Losses, and Liberation of Joan Rivers.

In the book, Rivers confidante Sue Cameron sums up her friend’s reasoning: “I don’t want to be broke” and “I don’t want to be killed by an Arab” were the comedian’s two nonnegotiables, and she felt that the GOP were more likely than the Democrats to share those priorities.