5 Feet of Fury

Steve Sailer reviews ‘Moana’

Steve Sailer writes:

It’s worth detailing how the Disney team deflected the SJWs. Many of the social-media frenzies of recent years have been inspired by a desire among the complainers to get hired by movie studios to offer “notes.” Dr. George Miller, director of the Mad Max series, brilliantly realized that social-media meltdowns could be headed off by simply hiring some senior identity-politics totem, such as the feminist author of The Vagina Monologues, to endorse his blue-collar heavy metal action picture. (One action scene in Moana is a tribute to Fury Road.)

Moana has been widely praised by critics for “cultural sensitivity” because Clements and Musker did extensive research in the South Pacific. They formed an “Oceanic Trust” of congenial souls they met on their travels to advise them. This seems like a clever solution for big-budget filmmakers: frustrate identity-politics kvetchers by having already put people you like on the payroll.